Please email me at for further information or to be put on our mailing list for future events.
Our next free guided walks will be held at Pennington Flash on Saturday 26 October 2013 from 10am until 12am. Please meet at the Visitors' Centre at 10am where we will hand out some bird identification sheets, spotting scopes and binoculars for you to borrow. Please remember that all children must be accompanied by a responsible adult.
Hope to see you there !
The L.O.S. Young Birders' Club Team will be at the Wildlife and Heritage Fair at Pennington Flash on Sunday 18 August from 11:30am to 3pm.
Why not come along for a guided walk around some of the bird hides - we'll give you a checklist and ID sheet and lots of help from our experienced birders. There will also be a Birds of Prey display and lots of craft and other activities - full details are available here: Wildlife and Heritage Fair
Hope to see you there!
The next meeting on the L.O.S YBC will be on Sunday 31st March at Pennington Flash when we will be taking groups on a guided walk around the main hides. The walk starts at 10am promptly and will last until 12am. Bird identification sheets and checklists will be available to record what is seen.
Please note that all children must be accompanied by an adult and family and friend groups are most welcome.
Hope to see you there !
The first meeting of L.O.S. Young Birders Club will be at 10am at Pennington Flash on Sunday 27 January 2013 as part of the RSPB's 'Big Garden Birdwatch' event.
All pupils of primary school age are welcome to attend with a parent or carer for a guided walk around the six main hides at Pennington Flash. The walk will be led by members of Leigh Ornithological Society.
The event should last between 1 and 2 hours and you're very welcome to join and leave us at any point along the route.
Checklists will be handed out to record the bird sightings and we hope that you will add your sightings to the form on this website when you get home or back to school.
There will also be a short demonstration session on making bird feeders out of recycled materials outside the visitor centre and information sheets about feeding birds and making nest boxes will be available.
We're looking forward to meeting you soon.